Buy Kamagra Oral Jelly Australia

(8 customer reviews)

From: $119.00

QuantityPricePrice Per PillShippingQuantityBuy Now
14 Sachets $119.00 $8.5 Free
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21 Sachets $149.95 $7.14 Free
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49 Sachets $199.00 $4.06 Free
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70 Sachets $299.00 $4.27 Free
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98 Sachets $399.00 $4.07 Free
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All prices are in Australian Dollars
SKU: KAM-100 Category:

KAMAGRA ORAL JELLY contains 100mg of Sildenafil-Citrate

Kаmаgrа Orаl Jеllу is available in 6 convenient pack sizes of 14, 21, 35, 49, 70, 98

Kаmаgrа оrаl jеllу іѕ a very рорulаr аltеrnаtіvе fоr Auѕtrаlіаn mеn that fіnd digesting ріlls оr tаblеtѕ dіffісult. Not unlike Viagra, its active ingredient is Sildenafil-Citrate, with each sachet containing 100mg. Brand name Kamagra is in a jelly form that is taken direct from its package and comes in an array of pleasant-tasting, fruity flavours.

Fаѕt асtіng, Kаmаgrа оrаl jеllу іmрrоvеѕ ѕеxuаl реrfоrmаnсе іn оvеr 80% of men wіth саѕеѕ оf іmроtеnсе оr еrесtіlе dуѕfunсtіоn. Thе рrоduсt tаkеѕ effect wіthіn 30 minutes оf соnѕumрtіоn аnd саn lаѕt uр tо 5 hоurѕ іn еffесt.

Kаmаgrа Jеllу’ѕ асtіvе іngrеdіеnt іѕ Sіldеnаfіl-Cіtrаtе (the same as Viagra) a рrоvеn ѕоurсе which іnсrеаѕеѕ blооd flоw tо your реnіѕ, аllоwіng and іnduсіng ѕuffісіеnt еrесtіоn fоr ѕеxuаl іntеrсоurѕе іn mоѕt mеn.  Kаmаgrа Orаl Gеl іѕ a brand name drug by Ajanta Pharma a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer of an array of medications including erectile dysfunction treatments.

How to consume Kamagra Oral Jelly?

Read the following points carefully, for the best treatment:

  • 1 sachet of Kamagra Oral Jelly (about 100 mg) is marked safe within 24 hours span
  • Take your Kamagra Jelly before 20 minutes from Intercourse.
  • 4 – 6 hours is the estimated effective treatment time for Kamagra Oral Jelly.
  • Whenever you have planned to take medicine, try to avoid large or fatty meals close to that time, this will reduce the performance.
  • Consider not to take alcohol before or after taking the Oral Jelly.

Pros of taking Kamagra Jelly!

If you dislike tablets & don’t want to treat your ED, then this oral jelly is for you! It drops the need for such pills. Just pinch the Kamagra Jelly’s sachet in your mouth and it gets automatically dissolved like an aroma in your mouth. Thus passing your throat without any feeling.

Below are some of the major benefits of taking Kamagra Oral Jelly:

  • You can buy it online from Oz Meds online, without any need for a perscription.
  • It is easy to swallow this Jelly.
  • the human body absorbs this jelly quickly.
  • faster response times
  • boost stamina on a high level

When you want the cheapest priced Kamagra online, shipped directly to your door with discreet packaging contact Oz Meds Online.  Read more here at our Pricing Guarantee page!



What’s there to know about Kamagra Jelly?

You will love the benefits of Kamagra Jelly, but prior to consuming this oral gel with the active ingredient Sildenafil-Citrate, the same as Viagra.  We insist you have already consulted your doctor and also read the following links that will remind you of any potential side effects and details on the benefits of generic erectile dysfunction treatments.

Precautions, Side Effects of Kamagra Oral Gel and your safety

Oz Meds Online have compiled a Must Read section, this provides you with necessary information to ensure the erectile dysfunction medication that you import is right for you, and as prescribed by your medical doctor.  A helpful at a glance compilation of any side effects and precautions that you should know when taking medications.

For general information on this website visit our shipping, why generics, terms and conditions and privacy pages.


Follow this link Must Read for information that you need to take Kamagra Jelly safely.


What is Kamagra?

Kamagra is an erectile dysfunction medication. It works on increasing the blood flow to the penis and helps in gaining erection when sexually aroused.

Is Kamagra different from Viagra?

Kamagra contains the same active ingredient as Viagra, sildenafil-citrate. Sildenafil is proven and tested to be effective medication for treating erectile dysfunction. The only difference is that Kamagra comes in jelly form while Viagra comes in pills form. Their price range may also vary.

Is Kamagra a generic version of Viagra?

Yes, it is true. Kamagra is a generic version of Viagra because both medications share similar ingredient. Kamagra Jelly may react faster than pills, as the gel absorbs faster into the blood stream.

Can I Take Kamagra with alcohol?

No. Alcohol reduces the effect of any erectile medication

What is the dosage of Kamaga Jelly?

Take only as prescribed by your doctor to prevent overdose.

When Kamagra start working?

Kamagra starts working in approximately 20 minutes from consumption.

For how long does Kamagra last?

The effects of Kamagra last for about 4 to 6 hours.

Can I get Kamagra online in Australia?

Yes. Kamagra Jelly is available from Australian websites for importation from India. Kamagra Jelly is developed by Ajanta Pharma a well respect Indian pharmaceutical company listed on the Indian stock exchange.

Is Kamagra Safe?

Only use Kamagra Jelly made by Ajanta Pharma to ensure you have the genuine product. And only take as directed by your doctor. If you experience any side effects contact your doctor immediately.

Does Kamagra have any side effects?

Kamagra Jelly’s side effects are the same as generic and brand name Viagra. You will find more information on potential side effects here.

8 reviews for Kamagra Oral Jelly

  1. Author Image

    Paul Jones

    good jelly fresh and fast free delivery package arrived in 5 days from India. Definitely will buy again from ozmedsonline

  2. Author Image

    Bill Craigmore

    This is the first time I have used oral gel, it was really an ideal solution as I gag with pills, it worked really quickly 100% try it its the same as Viagra and taste is ok.

  3. Author Image

    Troy Davison

    Perfect, thanks guys you are cheapest Kamagra in Australia and product has longest due date compared to other websites. Not only I received within 7 days, awesome, most importantly it worked. Easy to deal with Ozmeds Online.

  4. Author Image

    Randy Subiaco WA

    OMO rocks thanks great gel

  5. Author Image

    Clive P – Sunshine Beach

    Great service and excellent product. Recommend

  6. Author Image

    Roger Smith – Potts Point

    I have bought from these guys 3 times now jelly is great and has a long shelf life and is cheapest I’ve found.

  7. Author Image

    MC Victoria

    You are so kind Asher, I’ll keep this in mind for a long time!
    Great customer service, tickets on you for this! Not for the value but for how you manage these situations.

    Thanks heaps for your good work!

  8. Author Image

    Jamie Carter

    You guys are the best. Great service, great product, great price. Thanks really appreciate OMO

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