Vascular Reconstructive Surgery – Life after ED Surgery

Life after ED Surgery

According to a Cleveland clinic analysis, one in every five men above the age of 50 will have a case of erectile dysfunction. A fraction of these men will ultimately seek medical help. Thus eventually, consider a vascular reconstructive surgery or some surgical treatment to restore their sexual performance.

As expected in a healing process, the anticipated results and the possible side effects of the treatment must be considered thoroughly. Candidates for penile surgery should understand what comes after the surgery. And also remain prepare to deal with these events as they arise. This article aims to give you a perspective of life after the surgery, what to expect, and how to get through recovery.

Understanding the Procedure

Vascular reconstructive surgery, one of the widely accepted treatments for ED. The operation addresses the difficulty in blood flow to the penis by substituting damaged or blocked arteries with a better ones. Also removed from the patient’s belly. The arteries create a new path for blood flow to the penis, ensuring the patient can achieve and maintain erection again.

POINT TO NOTE: Candidates for Vascular reconstructive surgery must be aware of the risks of the operation. It is worth noting that the long-term efficiency of the treatment can be risky. A study revealed that only one in twenty surgeries conducted reported actual recovery after the surgery. However, the success rate is higher in younger men.

Post-operative Recovery

Besides the cost of operation, pain, and recovery timeline are the primary concerns of most vascular reconstructive surgery candidates. Surgical pain for penile surgeries is at the highest within the first two to three days after completion of the procedure. Although the pain might also increase when a patient starts activities at first. Also, you can manage the pain by the application of anesthetics.

The patient may be required to stay under close supervision during this period. Just to avoid complications from Anesthesia, preferably within the medical facility handling the procedure for proper monitoring by attentive medical staff.

The patient may also experience swelling of the penis within the first week of operation, which is normal and common in penile surgeries. Experts recommend Cryotherapy to control the pain and inflammation. This is done by applying Ice packs to reduce swelling and inflammation, allowing oxygen to flow to the cells.

Post-Surgery Depression and its Symptoms

Depression in recovery can be due to several reasons. Most patients feel alone in the struggle with pain and the stress of the recovery process. The surgical procedure is considerable stress, and it can take a toll on the patient’s mental health. It is essential for the patient and his caregivers to understand what post-surgery depression is, and how to make plans to keep the patient from depression during recovery.

It is, however, essential to know that some after-effects of surgery can be easily mistaken for post-surgical depression. Loss of appetite and oversleeping are typical examples of the after-effects of surgery. These symptoms misinterpreted as symptoms of depression without proper knowledge. Some of the post-surgery depression symptoms to look out for include:

  • General lost of interest in usual or regular activities
  • Unusual irritability
  • Despair, Anxiety, and hopelessness
  • Loss of appetite or excessive eating

How to handle post-surgery Depression

Talk to a Doctor: The most crucial step in dealing with surgical depression is to talk to a doctor. A discussion about the identified symptoms with a medical professional goes a long way in regulating depression. The expert will help you understand what is normal and help you address the anomalies as needed, and promptly.

Develop a Recovery Schedule: Another practical approach to overcoming depression in recovery is to create and maintain a daily schedule of activities to carry out. A healthy sleep, feeding, entertainment, and perhaps work plan can keep the patient preoccupied. And also help them focus on what makes him happy. Depression is less likely when the patient has a schedule to keep up and has less time to think about the situation.

Spend time outdoor: A walk in the open air can be refreshing and will give you a better view of things. Medical Experts encourage patients to walk around about three times a day. The change in scenery that comes with the walk provides relief from depression. If possible, Patients should get a family or friend to walk with them to provide support if needed.

Returning to Normal Activities

Although the patient needs to get a lot of rest. As the patient experiences discomfort in the early recovery stages. Medical Experts encouraged him to start undertaking minimal activities within a few days of the operation. This will allow blood flow to the penis.

Patients of Vascular reconstructive Surgery should be able to return to their normal activities within two or three weeks. However, medical experts recommend that strenuous activities like exercise and sex should delay until after six weeks. In case an experienced surgeon performed the surgery.

Post-Operative Visits

Doctors remove stitches during postoperative visits within the first two weeks of the operation. The patient will be studied to ensure the success of the procedure during this period and to guide the patient. There are no diet restrictions for the surgery. But encourages the patient to eat a balanced diet to promote tissue growth.

The swelling will also reduce over the four weeks post-operative visit period, and the pain will subside. The Doctors conclude post-op visits after four weeks considering the patient must have fully recovered. With his sexual functionality fully restored.


The surgical recovery process is a slow and arduous journey. It’s no wonder that over 70% of diagnosed cases of Erectile Dysfunction cases go untreated. But with the right preparation and knowledge, patients can push through the process and recover fully in no time. A successful operation will not only restore sexuality but also rid the patient of the anxiety and low self-esteem associated with erectile dysfunction.

It is important to ensure that only the service of a qualified and experienced healthcare provider is employed in the diagnosis and treatment or surgery to avoid complications.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article or external links are to be used as a reference only. Also, they are not intended or to be used as medical advice. Always consult your physician.
